Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Men's Shirt Re-Fash

I am always on the hunt for items that people discard that I can use either for fabric, or parts (think collars, cuffs, etc), or even just for the buttons! It really is amazing what people give me that they would likely just throw in the trash or recycle bin. Luckily, my little obsession hasn't driven me to dumpster-diving (yet!?), but it has prompted me to check out our local Good Will store. This little gem just moved into our neighborhood and while you may have to sift through a lot of junk, you just might end up with some great things! 

I came across several really nice men's dress shirts - some from very high-end stores! They had all their buttons and the cuffs and collars were in perfect conditions. And though it pained me to do so, I checked for any gross pit-stains! It's rare that an arm pit seam would be used in a child's garment, but it just gives you a yucky feeling to buy something with pit-stains! 
Here are some of the colors/patterns I found:

See that last one? Pink, brown, white - all colors associated with my daughter's current obsession. Bunnies!!! So a bunny dress was in order here. 
I started by chopping off the collar and arms. I sewed a seam down each side, giving the dress an a-shape. Then I grabbed a coordinating fabric and made a quick, lined bodice. A pinch and gather later, a cute little dress was born! 

But it still wasn't bunnified. A few tiny white rabbit buttons fit the bill. 

And she LOVES it! 

Can't wait to do the rest of the shirts too! Stay tuned!